Driveway To Delusion

by Meme   Jan 25, 2015

Are we one step closer?
or are we one step too
far? I missed the time we
remained stateless; nothing
did hurt back then, no steps
were counted to nowhere.

You were you, and I was I,
there were no blurry lines
to be tip towed around.

In shades of grey I always
fail to exist, the absence of
clarity betrays my thoughts.
Until I am overwhelmed with
What if and if only...

Erase the faded lines and
mark new ones; ones that
would bound the grayness
I feel inside. My exhausted
mind can no longer entertain
itself when all that I feel now is
loneliness in your company

© Copyright 2015 by: gIrL


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  • 10 years ago

    by PinkyPrincess

    Aww Meme! I was just reminded of how affected I am by your poetry... how it just hits me hard because I feel every word you write...

    Are we one step closer?
    or are we one step too
    far? I missed the time we
    remained stateless; nothing
    did hurt back then, no steps
    were counted to nowhere.

    ^^ I feel like most of us can relate to this stanza. The idea of not knowing whether you're one step closer or too far can be so aggravating. I love the idea of being 'stateless' and how you conveyed that was much better and less complicated.

    You were you, and I was I,
    there were no blurry lines
    to be tip towed around.

    ^^ Such a simple stanza yet it's filled with meaning - without these 'blurry' lines things would be so much easier!

    In shades of grey I always
    fail to exist, the absence of
    clarity betrays my thoughts.
    Until I am overwhelmed with
    What if and if only...

    ^^ I love this stanza! I like how you compared this situation to shades of grey and how there's just an absence of clarity.. And don't we hate 'what ifs' and 'if onlys'!

    Erase the faded lines and
    mark new ones; ones that
    would bound the grayness
    I feel inside. My exhausted
    mind can no longer entertain
    itself when all that I feel now is
    loneliness in your company

    ^^ I liked that the ending was a little unexpected yet still cohesive with the theme. Really love this poem! Well done <333

    • 10 years ago

      by Meme

      I appreciate it a lot sweetie!

  • 10 years ago

    by Sunshine

    You're speaking my heart and mind, in a very v very beautiful way..
    an amazing poem!

    • 10 years ago

      by Meme

      Thanks nana :*

  • 10 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    The heart can weigh so heavy, when absence of a person is felt. Somber and yet elegant my sweet!

    • 10 years ago

      by Meme

      Thank you hon :*