Hope in Cemeteries

by IdTakeABulletForYou   Jan 29, 2015

I had a lapse in judgment.
My vision was askew.
I thought, for just one moment,
I could put my trust in you.

I tremble at the thought now;
I've learnt from my mistake.
I ignored all the warning signs
and walked into my fate.

There's never hope in cemeteries:
Dead is always dead.
I looked for love in gilded lust
and found the truth instead.

I know I'm such a fool for love,
and that I will remain
this empty shell of what could be;
a visage of the pain.

I find my shadow shows the secret
mirrors cannot see.
The truth is: I am in the dark
where light can never be.


This is my first poem in years; I ask you to forgive the unsophisticated layout and rhyming scheme. I have had a writer's block for years, and I hope this could be the start of writing again. If you struggled looking for a pattern while you read it, I suggest that for the ideal reading experience the first and second line in each verse of the poem- except for the last verse- be read with a pause at the end. Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it.


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  • 8 years ago

    by deeplydesturbed

    I would say welcome back - but this is from a while ago S. I enjoyed the rhyming in this one. And the trust you put in someone. I am sorry it didn't work out.

    excellent little piece.

    • 8 years ago

      by IdTakeABulletForYou

      Now this is definitely one of my favorites; I wish every piece I poured my heart into came out like this little gem, but unfortunately it doesn't work that way. If I have two things to be proud of in my life, it's this piece as well as "The Shooting Star That's Never Seen". I'm glad you enjoyed the poem, and it's an emotion I deal with on quite the regular basis, so-much-so I stopped trusting people and just keep to myself.

      Sad, how jaded we become over time.

      Much love!

  • 9 years ago

    by Joe Davila

    You expressed here what I had felt for years. Well written

  • 9 years ago

    by Joe Davila

    I definitely can relate. Feeling the same way right now. Great work.

  • 10 years ago

    by Kristen

    Fragile first line that truly shatters the heart of the reader here. Trust is such a broken word that can mean a multitude of things. Here though you show the darker side of it and the impact it can leave us when it is broken. The first stanza sets up nicely with the rest of the poem, because you show us the plot of the poem right away and it makes us think, where could this lead, you tease us but leave enough vague lines to make us want to read more into the story.

    You see all the signs but now it is too late to change what you wanted to change from the past, but I sense there is a lot of regret within this main characters insides. But this character knows now or just learned that sometimes it is our fault too. And in death we cannot change, but grow from what we did. But this stanza does a great thing to tell more of the story withinthe poem and connect to the first stanza.

    The first line in the third stanza is a bit of a contrast to the first two stanza and unique I might add, because this is where the poem gets a bit dark and where this person yearns for their love but instead found the opposite of what they wanted which of course is death. The truth is revealed here and the character now knows they can't take back what has already happened. I sense here the sadness starting to seep through and take over everything.

    You will remain this empty shell, this is a great line that tells me that you used to be a happy all around loving life person, but you also show how one thing can change that. In a second the whole world around you has shattered and inside you are half the man you used to be. You show the pain on the outside maybe from tears? But everyone does grieve in their own way.

    The last line wraps up the poem nicely and now your life is completey shrouded in darkness and there is no light coming through. The cemetery is a great scene when it comes to sad poems and I really like how you wrote your poem around it, because for me it does work well to capture the message while showing the readers that imagery and having them keep the knowledge of the cemetery in the back of their mind. I saw no technical errors. Well crafted poem!

  • 10 years ago

    by Jerry Bolton

    I like this poem. It flowed well, with the words merging into the next line effortless, and that means a lot to me. Love. I am convinced that love causes more pain and suffering than anything else in this world. Enjoyed the sad, but well written poetry.