Fuchsia shirts.

by Poet on the Piano   Feb 3, 2015

You wear color like it is your new identity,
beckoning spring to sing when you rush out
the door - stubble, snow boots, salt and
pepper hair - neglecting to fill your morning
with caffeine. This is your day to relax into
who you are. While son boorishly snores next
door and daughter types away by dawn's light,
you meditate on fuchsia. On snowy country
roads, on why winter came so brutally yet
somehow warmed you. And tomorrow? Who
knows what tomorrow will bring on the icy
roads of hard work and chaos? But you will
wear color like it is the only promise of the
day. And you will belong here, at home, as you
nestle into what you know; what comfort means
in the companionship of a wife, a family, who
will never leave your side.

Poem dedicated to my dad. He has the day off work today and is at home with me... I asked him to challenge me with a prompt but he didn't have one so I got inspiration from the color of his shirt, which he thought was purple, but I clarified :)

Written 2/03/15 @ 1:20 PM


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  • 10 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Giggles, awww I'm glad you did... :-)

  • 10 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    The fact your father is wearing a fuschia colored shirt makes me smile! Your father has style, I LOVE IT!.

    This poem again, shows grace... oh your pen is beautiful MaryAnne!

    I love the visuals you gave me... Your father brings light to the color he wears, within his heart... I love this poem!!

    • 10 years ago

      by Poet on the Piano

      Haha, thanks! And I hope you don't mind, but I read the comment to him then read the poem to him and his face? Priceless, he was shaking from laughing so hard lol