All hearts were constructed from God above,
Who made a perfect match for each one.
Our heart is what sets us all apart,
For the act of love this is where it starts.
My heart your heart and all hearts alike,
How does it determine if its love or like.
Her heart is her love command center,
Where all feelings and emotions enter.
All feelings and emotions are checked out,
To see if theres any that bring doubt.
If feelings and emotions pass her test,
She puts those hearts with the rest.
After sorting through the last ones left,
Broken ones are out true ones are kept.
When feelings and emotions are up to par,
For the very few that made it this far.
Her eyes look out and ears for sound,
Then both send back what was found.
Her heart then searches far and near,
For that one heart that won't bring tears.
Then her heart must make that call,
Which one will last and which will fall.
After that special one is picked,
She guards her heart for its been tricked.
As those two hearts blend together,
And love within could not be better.
Her heart's decision was meant to be,
So doubt spreads his wings and floats free.
And now her heart shall starve no more,
For its full of true love unlike before.