
by Scott Cole   Feb 9, 2015

Scars are marks
That don't blend in,
Cuts and scrapes
Upon the skin.

Memories or stories
Of things you did,
That answer the questions
To how and when.

Some scars are visible
Some scars are not,
Outside or inside
All scars leave spots.

Scars on the outside
Are easy to treat,
For their plain to see
And simple to reach.

But not that easily
For those scars beneath,
Cause they are tender
And run really deep.

So just remember
All scars that exist,
They all have potential
To leave you at risk.

So feel free to nurse
Them now and then,
Especially those scars
That are deep within.

For those on the inside
You must maintain,
Because if you don't
You'll suffer in vain.

Scars oh scars
Life lessons are not,
For life's little lessons
We all have got.


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  • 9 years ago

    by Sunshine

    This poem, brought tears to my eyes. First of all because you were very honest and direct. You stated your message direct the way it is, and truth always its hard.

    I doubt there are any person who does not have scars on the inside, and the way you penned this fact with so flawless and flowing.

    Your fast short length makes everything just like magic, as though the poem is a secret spell that takes few seconds to march into your thoughts and then leave you with your thoughts.

    Another great poem!