Comments : Missing

  • 10 years ago

    by Everlasting

    I think comparing her to a dog wasn't the best metaphor in my opinion, it's bound to create misunderstanding or to even offend someone. However, in a way I can understand that you love your dog so much and that it wasn't your intention to hurt her feelings, but woman or in general some or many people, want to be love for who they are without them being compared to anyone. Or at least want the love of their significant other to be more than... And in here, you are comparing the love you feel for her to be as the same love you feel for your dog. Who knows? She might have wanted to hear I love you more than I love my dog? It could have had a different reaction? Specially if she knew how much your dog means to you?

    I have to go back and read this one. It's food for the mind. I am actually reading this poem as coming from the narrator... Rather than as if it's something that happened in reality or if it's personal. I'm just babbling right now.

    • 10 years ago

      by Sincuna

      But Dear Luce, it's a poem not to take literally... like Brautigan's poem when he said he was the fish in the pond next to the crying woman, or Billy Collins' machine gun of metaphors in "Litany".

      The purpose was to create romance, humor and some controversy. Also for us to realize love has different meanings and each love for a thing, event, creature, human, differs in time and space but the comparison is the only thing that can make us understand their similarities and differences. The other parts of the poem is pretty obvious.

      Personally, yet not saying I'm the narrator, I think the metaphor is witty and perfect :)

  • 10 years ago

    by Everlasting

    It's a poem not to take literally

    ^Aussy, hence, why I felt the need to mention that I was reading this poem as coming from the narrator,( or a narrative of any kind) rather than as if it was something that happened in reality. lol

    (Though i'm sure it can happened.)

    I like the romance, humor, and the controversy. I think those kind of poems usually make me babble and make me type whatever comes to my mind in the first read. . . unfortunately, when I'm thinking I become too quiet... and my thoughts come off as if they too serious.

    I mean, your poem had an effect on me, I couldn't just shackle my fingers to a chair and stop them from typing. I had to type what came to mind at first read. Your poem made question how I would have felt in that situation. It's impossible to not think about that... it's the effect that the controversy created in me.

    In terms of reality, ( at least how I would feel) I mean if someone were to compare his love for me or his/her love for a friend's to the love they feel for their dog, I would still have say that it wasn't the best metaphor, however, I would have chuckle.

    In terms of the poem and the content, the metaphor it's witty and perfect for the content. lol That's why I nominated it.

    That's pretty awesome.

    • 10 years ago

      by Sincuna

      Got it. It's just that we as readers don't need to like the narrator to like the poem. Kind of like Jeffrey McDaniel's "The Jerk", the narrator in my poem (from a certain view) is kind of a Jerk as well.

      1. Kind of called his beloved a dog/b**ch and wondered why she got upset... (can be an innocent mistake)
      2. Would rather put beloved on a leash or in a cage just so she would not leave or get so trapped she'd get thirsty or find hard time living - a destructive relationship (or can be cute and romantic)
      3. Joke about religion and being gay... jerk moves/shows a glimpse of character
      4. Lick his face and other private areas, shows humor but maybe a sense of perversion
      5. fed her (dog) chocolates, which is toxic to dogs - a symbolism that the relationship is killing one or the other (or maybe good intentions but bad consequences)
      6. "I'd rather you have rabies... than runaway." - may be viewed as selfish or the brutal truth in loving someone

      there's probably more I can't remember but indeed someone can see the narrator as (okay, guilty, it's me!) being an ass. But a very honest one for that matter. :)

      Maybe I have a thing for anti-heros or villians. I know not everyone would feel empathy for the narrator, same way most won't like a poem written in the view of a murderer or a rapist... or maybe I exag a bit.

      *though here's food for thought: What if these "jerk moves/lines" i noted aren't meant to disrespect the lover, but it's their own personal way of communicating and teasing each other with their affection? Can that change the view of the reader. But of course how can they know that right? So I guess objectively most/some can see the narrator being a jerk, some/most can see the narrator being sweet and simply clueless of his words/actions. It's possible. It's the beauty of perspectives, of poetry. THe poem fits as a whole but the reader has the oppurtunity to take it in his or her own way. Read it for a person, for your own beloved dog, it can fit.

      thanks for always reading, Luce!

  • 10 years ago

    by gumshuda

    Okay im going to be very truthful...i laughed when I read this does have humour..and the metaphor oh lol...well the poem was rather good...for writing and for this being a poem I actually loved the metaphor...but yes, if this was some actual conversation or well the person could feel offended.....
    But oh lol I love this poem....
    The first paragraph was in itself excellent I feel... :)
    And oh lol...when the narrator tells he does not understand why she slapped him hard and walked away....haha...that was awesome....
    And oh lol no offence but it confirmed my belief of guys being born jerks and speaking things without thinking...:p.....ive had experienced where guys speak something very very stupid and I slap them and walk away and they never understand what they said...:p

    Haha..awesome poem