Comments : Healer (Triple Senryu)

  • 10 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    The title got me to think and the write even more.

    My betrayed joy; saved
    by your words that secretly
    sooth my fearful soul.

    ^^The use of "betrayed joy" says the hurt that's within you. To live a life of smiles and trust and then suddenly be cut by it is hurtful. Yet there is another who comes to your rescue and heals that hurt with just simple words. That is the magic of a healer. But you know healing can also come through with music, and the peace around us/nature.

    Wounded I was by
    the rigid wars of time, but-
    you are my healer.

    ^^This has a lot more to it then what words have to say. "wounded by rigid wars" I take it in the time that has passed you have fallen, hit very hard with no relief until this healer comes along. That is what I feel this verse says to me.

    Turmoil took over
    the besieged hub within me
    but it was peace, that you brought

    ^^Someone to save you from yourself. I feel that way too in this ending. A soul that needs rescuing from the times of wound it now finds peace through this healer..whether it is through words, music, or actions, this write ends with serenity in the writer.

    A touching write...take care.

    • 10 years ago

      by Sunshine

      That was an amazing Comment Meena, appreciated!

  • 10 years ago

    by Mello193

    Very good write. The picture painted was unique. I cant say anything that Meena Krish hasn't.

  • 10 years ago

    by Meme

    I loooove senryus. They pack a lot of meaning in their minimal wording. And this one had a wonderful meaning within it. I love the idea of a healer...

  • 10 years ago

    by uttAm

    It is absolutely beautiful and wonderful. Favourited.:)

  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Any poet who can say so much in so little room has my respect. Well done..

    • 9 years ago

      by Sunshine

      Very humbling thank you :)