Wildfire & Everfrost

by Kakera   Feb 17, 2015

2015-02-17 17:03

O you, my Sun, how is it
that when shadows hearken unto
your voice of command
and vividly dance like fires,
forcing our eyes to betray us
when the boundaries blur
between truth and lie,

that I cannot close my eyes?

Dearest Meadow that beckons spring,
why can we not withstand your beauty
without turning into dust and bones;
O my beloved Meadow, why is it
that when you entice us to peer intensely
into the abyss of ponder, as we see
ourselves in both your tragedies
and your triumphs, and the cycle
of your death and rebirth,

that I still cannot close my eyes?

Dreaded Ache, why do I long for you,
when all it casts over me is doubt
in my convictions and faith;
O Pulsing Ache, I cannot stand you,
as you turn into wildfire
and then into everfrost;
for I loathe the weakness
you represent in my heart,
hurting so sharply that I'm denied rest
that I must question its purpose,
for I can't distinguish my love
from pain,

because I haven't closed my eyes
in a very long time.


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  • 10 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Damn... Hugs you!

    • 10 years ago

      by Kakera

      this one was very strange to write. If you understand my thoughts, my message is completely clear, but the way I wrote it is odd. Not sure how this piece actually looks from a reader's perspective, but to me it means a lot.