Comments : Crumbs of a heart shaped cookie

  • 10 years ago

    by La Reina De Corazones

    For a beginner you're not aware of this, but grammar is everything to a poet. It makes or breaks how people view your poem and if you're going to break away from the sentence (like I always do, make sure you either use ";" or "." it helps understand where the poem is going. Also it helps if you don't capitalize every letter on each line, it helps me know where one sentence ends and which one begins. Please add commas too as I earlier stated, it helps me read the poem the way you made it.

    You used great upper diction, I'll give you that, but it was a great shame that the grammatical errors overshadowed it.

    Loved the way I could see it and also feel it, that was a given no matter how many errors you might have had. The pain of a first love or a lasting love leaves a unique impression, that sadly becomes a tattoo of who we used to be.

    Great job and welcome to PQ's critic world. It was a pleasure reading your poem. 4/5
