Most Ghosts

by kayla   Feb 22, 2015

Look into the darkest parts of your mind.
Are you most scared of what you will find?
Haunted by memories, once left behind.
You realize now, most ghosts aren't too kind.
So how does it feel to be so confined?

Do you deny the fears before your face?
Can you see the redemption, you still chase?
This is no friendly, common place.
No hopes and dreams, no trim and lace.
But acceptance is your saving grace.

You've made it thru the hardest phase.
You're nearing the exit of this maze.
Before your eyes, appears a haze.
Reality creeps in and your anxiety strays.
And you know it's time to change your ways.

Just keep your demons locked up tight.
Never let them out of sight.
Don't let them spook you in the night.
Know what is wrong, is sometimes right.
And always keep your will to fight.


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  • 10 years ago

    by gumshuda

    Why, this is a beautiful poem... It's amazing.
    I love it.

    Though there was this one thing... Only one thing that kind of interrupted me.. This line:

    "Never let them out of sight."

    I suggest you make this sentence a little longer.. Add a word of two or three syllables..
    Cause well, your entire poem.. Every line... I noticed... Has eight nine or ten syllables, so it is just a little weird to have a short sentence in the between...

    Wonderful poem.

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