Comments : Prompt

  • 10 years ago

    by Sam

    I am not going to give a long comment here, but I saw this and I have to say that I am very proud to read this poem on this site. Thank you for posting this. Women get a lot of crap for stuff like this, and I literally hate it. Women are still not being paid the same amount as men in some places, and it ticks me off because some of us can be just as good, if not better. We get crap for everything that you said in here.

    The only problem that I really had with this piece is the title. I did not think the title did it justice, but frankly I don't really know what title would. Excellent.


  • 10 years ago

    by GB

    Your poem is moving in every sense, you know that pride Angelou taught us? It's beautifully felt in this verse.

    I admire interfering the "dialogue sentences" very much within the lines, smoothly flowed and very uniquely penned.

    Thank you for sharing, a different writing for sure.

  • 9 years ago

    by gumshuda

    Oh wow..this is spoke the mind of almost every girl...^_^

    I like everything but these lines were just...what some people whose minds are as shallow as all their deeds think

    " Make me a sandwich"

    "See what she was wearing?
    No wonder she was raped."

    ^ this is the sad thing...this is what some people think and this is what they spread...this is what is taught and fed to young girls from when they are extremely young.....stupid people I would say....

    Hmm...i wish this poem makes the front deserves it :)