Tinsel Tom

by Maple Tree   Mar 9, 2015

A giant, with a mind of a child.

One of the many children
of me.

Not of my body,
linked to my soul.

Scattered to the island of misfits.

Eyes shaped like acorns
and a button nose,
with a smile bigger
than his face.

He became my son
when I laced his medication
alongside compassion,
holding his hand
as he escaped his
mental prison.

Society remained frightened -

They never took the time to
read beyond violence,
never understanding
a bond with a monster.

Ripped from my bosom,
bitterness bares fruit
of anger and my patience
remains purely within words
I write,

another offspring preserved in a poem....


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  • 10 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    I keep thinking I've commented on this, but I haven't, I've just read it multiple times.

    I don't think I'll ever forget this piece, and for that I'm thankful that you shared this and Tom's story... and as you said, honor him in this poem. What genuine love and care you show. I truly admire what you do and the souls you touch. It really is amazing to realize what can happen if we get to know a person and not judge them based on how they act or what they struggle with. It's eye-opening and touches the heart.

    This actually reminded me of last year, when I met some people who were suffering from mental illness. I ended up staying with them for four days and I got to know their story. I was shy at first, scared, didn't think I could connect or make friends with anybody, but we all got along. I could appreciate how they were still trying and how they still had so much to give, no matter what situation they went through. I ended up getting to know their routines... we would have breakfast together, read magazines, and I even got the courage to play the piano once while some people sang. Like in your first lines of this poem, I met a grown man who seemed to still act like a child, but he had a caring heart and apologized when he got upset. Anyways, it can be life-changing meeting people you never noticed before and getting the opportunity to hear their story. It honestly reminds me we are all united, we aren't so different. We all have "demons", some more severe than others, but we all have good hearts. Will think of this Tom and for your peace too. I can't imagine the process of having to watch him go somewhere else, but don't give up hope, maybe he will find his happiness and others will want to (and care to) understand him.

    Beautifully penned, yet sadness from the soul.
    This is so personal and it's an honor you shared this with us. So glad this is nominated :)

    P.S. Sorry for the long comment!

  • 10 years ago

    by Chamomile

    This is an amazing and touching piece!!
    Hope it wins<3

  • 10 years ago

    by Sam

    I don't know much about you Andrea, but I can tell that this person means a lot to you. I am curious about what you do here; you said in a comment that you take people in, or at least he was one person you took in. Do you take in a lot of people who need help? It seems that you take in quite a lot of people, and that is a very honorable thing to do. There are a lot of people out there who need help.

    A giant, with a mind of a child.

    ^ This makes it seem like he has a mental disorder. Does he have autism? That is usually what I think people are talking about when they mention something like this. It means that he is a man, with a mind of a child. It is heartbreaking to see this happen.

    Eyes shaped like acorns
    and a button nose,
    with a smile bigger
    than his face.

    ^ This actually made me think of a snowman, just the way you described him. I hope thats not offensive. When I think of a snowman, I think of someone fun, like Frosty. I like Frosty. This might totally not be relatable.

    He became my son
    when I laced his medication
    alongside compassion,
    holding his hand
    as he escaped his
    mental prison.

    ^ So you helped him out more than any medication could. Doctors often think that just giving someone medication might help, but it doesn't always do so. A lot of our problems need more than just medication; they also need someone who is willing to be patient with them. Who is willing to help them with anything they need help with.

    They never took the time to
    read beyond violence,
    never understanding
    a bond with a monster.

    ^ This reminds me of Frankenstein. Frankenstein was created by a scientist, who was not able to stand the sight of him. He was shunned because he looked like a monster, but I think that if there was only someone there who might have been able to help him out, then he might have been someone better. I also always hate it when people with disabilities are referred to as monsters. It kind of makes me angry. From reading about him, he seemed the opposite of a monster.

    The way you describe it, you made it seem like he was ripped away from you, and sent to a institution. I don't know if that is what happened, but if it was I think it was very wrong. They should not have done so if they did not have a good reason, and if you were the one taking care of him I don't think they had a good enough reason. You seem to be someone who is a very caring person, and I am sorry. I hope that you visit him whenever you can, because if you don't he might be lost out there.



    • 10 years ago

      by Maple Tree


      Thankyou for the lovely comment. I've been in nursing now for 27 years. I currently work in an assisted living home to help bring people with mental disabilities back into the community. I worked very hard with this man to gain his trust. He is a beautiful soul... Unfortunately he was a ward of the state, and they felt he couldn't be rehabilitated, I dissagree. It's very heartbreaking.... I needed to honor him in a poem...

  • 10 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Awwww thank you Meme, hugs you

  • 10 years ago

    by Meme

    I feel I just want to give this person a hug, just for who he is in the way that you described him. And I want to give you a hug for who you are as a person. Anyone who meets you would love you maple.

    I loved this poem so much, I think its one of those I would write down and keep.

    Nominated <3