Comments : Mud

  • 10 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    "It doesn't matter how ugly things are between us, your spirit remains beautiful when we are worn."

    - That line there, I just want to quote that or put in on a plaque or something. This line, and all your other verses, truly show how much you value this person and the love you give, the sacrifice, because even if you are tired and life has brought you down, you still admire the beautiful soul of that person.

    Can I be nitpicky for a sec though, lol.

    "And I've grown use to their covering."

    - "use" should be "used"

    "I've learned not be disappointed"

    - Read again. Should be "I've learned to not be" or "I've learned not to be".

    "Iove" should be "love".

    Glad you posted this, missed your writing :)

    • 10 years ago

      by Chelsey

      Thank you Maryanne! This was typed on my phone at work so I didnt have a good spell check lol

  • 10 years ago

    by Sunshine

    If no one has votes left, I will keep this in mind for Monday <3 love u

    askjfhdkjsfhdjskfhsdjkf amazing poem, already shared my thoughts on facebook :)

  • 10 years ago

    by Sage

    Loved reading it. Your words reflect my current situation. Thanx

  • 10 years ago

    by Sage

    Loved reading it. Your words reflect my current situation. Thanx

  • 10 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Congrats, girl! Good to see you writing again, hope we see more soon!

  • 10 years ago

    by Larry Chamberlin

    I found this to be as delightful as, well, making mud pies! You have been gone far too long, Dennis. I have missed your whimsical humor and bright outlook. Yes, I know I get it on Facebook, but it's not the same.

    Regarding this fine work, I feel the heart of it is "your presence is never unsatisfying when you feel protection isn't found ... in your arms"
    It is both fundamentally intimate to be safely wrapped in love yet profoundly imperative to have the freedom to explore the world outside of it.
    Well stated, Chels.

  • 9 years ago

    by Sunshine

    When one reads the title, one could not possibly interpret where this piece could be leading them.

    What an emotional poem, the heart has been spelled out. A poem that is not leaning on beautifying its words with complexities but speaking the soul reality of love and the imperfect essence and beauty of its flaws in the most perfect way.

    A priceless message. The wording just got better and better the more the writer elaborated on her thoughts.

    On a side note, just minor spell-checks to be taken into consideration;

    existance should be "existence"
    permenant should be "permanent"
    my Iove should be " my love"

    Other than that, a gold-coated piece.
    Loved it.