The words
The conversation
The discussion
The silence
Yes the silence
The unbearable silence
The silence is all that's left
That's in this abyss
This abyss is a void
With no sound, no light, no color
That is never ending
Forever falling with no hope of escape
No not a single soul escapes this abyss
It's forever consuming
Not stopping
No not until it swallows everything
From happiness to anger to despair
Yes even despair is swallowed in the deepest part
Yes the deepest part where no emotions are felt
Where heartache won't reach
Yes that's the abysses job
To swallow everything
Just so one person
One person won't feel their heartache anymore
That one person is the creator of it all
All of this just so he won't feel it
The painful, unbearable, anguish that we call heartache
Yes to protect his own broken heart
He has decided to lock himself up
At the bottom of the abyss
The bottom no one swallowed has seen
Hoping to be left alone
Alone with nothing
No words, no conversation, no discussion, no sound
He stays down there for one thing
To mend his broken heart