About Leaving

by nouriguess   Mar 21, 2015

You pack your bags, and leave.
You head for a land that is less chaotic,
you aim for a new life; for
an apartment in the city, for a career
that guarantees you two meals a day, and
you think you'll never starve again.

You try to scrape the mud of your history
off your chin,
with the passport, to pluck
out the few jasmines left on your chest,
to forget about the damp roof
you left behind.

You grin as the plane takes off.

But truth is, you'll realize it won't be easy.
Truth is, with time, those
foreigners who may pay you to draw
them by calligraphy they'll never understand
will find a better street artist.

Truth is, with time, you'll find
in your luggage
those white flowers still pressed closely to
your clothes.
The photos of your one-bedroom house
will flutter before your eyes all the time
like angry smoke
and choke you
hard, and your soul will be hungry,
hungry like never before.


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Latest Comments

  • 7 years ago

    by mossgirl19

    Wow is indeed the right word. Took my breath for some time. What a beautiful, heart-gripping piece! Home is indeed where the heart is.

  • 8 years ago

    by Phil


  • 9 years ago

    by LittleMermaid

    Wonderfully crafted 😊

  • 9 years ago

    by Darren

    Big congrats

    well done

  • 9 years ago

    by Melpomene

    Congratulations of the win, Noura!

    This poem is a combination of sweet and sour. I found the tone to reflect that of reminiscent conversation between two people, only in this case it was almost like a conversation between reality and desire.

    As always your honesty speaks to an audience and this is why your poetry is so great. You do not sugarcoat and from your pieces I can tell it has never really been in your nature to do so. You put so much personality into a poem and that's why they have such character.


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