The yelling it doesn't stop
Bring home all B's except one
It's a high D no big deal
He doesn't think so
He yells are you dumb
Yelling he was making A's
Yelling what are you doing with your life
I just sit their and take it
I take all of his anger
Wishing to fight back
But I know I can't he would just beat me
Beat the shit out of me and not think a second thought
I just have one hope
Hope for life after I leave
Leave where? I don't know just anywhere else
Anywhere from the yelling anywhere from him
I may not have had a "hard" life
I may not go hungry
I may have a warm place to sleep
But my life feels hard to me
Not knowing when he'll start
Not knowing if I'll get to see her again
Not controlling my own life
Just playing in the palm of his hand
It doesn't feel like a life sometimes
Sometimes I feel like a puppet
A puppet he controls
Controls when I live a life and when I don't
I'm only a kid after all