Let your light shine though it outplays the multitude. Fret not whether you are shunned as a show-off or slighted as not bright enough even now. Let yourself roar into the vacuum that nature abhors; if you shine bright enough, roar loud enough then people who cannot stand the inequality of life will simply turn and gaze and perhaps find their own voice - light their own hearts! |
by Everlasting
Thank you Mr. Larry. |
by gumshuda
Oh my.... beautiful!!!!!! |
by gumshuda
Oh my.... beautiful!!!!!! |
Oh my .. You're blinding me with your brilliance, Ms. Lucero XP You really are brilliant! (: I love the humility and equality in this write. Everyone has their own shine or brilliance, and that alone makes us equal. Life is fair in an unfair way. We are equal in an unequal way. I think that is how it is. Always a pleasure to read your work (: |
by Meena Krish
To be yourself and to be living without anything to hold you back or hold you down. But I guess no one can make you feel like that without your permission. Let your beautiful shine glow on dear :) Liked this read! |