I cannot comprehend the way you look at me
with those thoughtful, slanted eyes - those lashes
hypnotizing me - the way I imagine them closing
like wings, perhaps one piece, mischievously
resting against your cheek, where I long to kiss you
whenever you go to sleep.
I cannot comprehend the way I only feel safe
putting my words into your hands; those fingers
interlacing with mine; my face resting on your chest.
I long to be the coffee cup you kiss each morning;
the plush dog you hug and nibble each night.
And it makes me cry each night, to only daydream
and smile, whenever you're there. It makes me cry to think
that you ended up losing so many past loves, and I,
I am just one of those fishes waiting to be washed ashore,
salted by sorrow. I am just waiting for the sea to part us,
again, and again, and again.