Infinite Coordinates

by Meme   Jun 2, 2015

Oh how I longed to be
the one waving goodbye.
Today, today I sail away
from your shores, not by
force; but willingly.

The anchors that once were
docking us together are no
more there. Stateless love
is easily infected by rust, so
I'll pull back what I once gave.

No more campuses to lead
me back to you, I broke the
needle for I need no sense of
direction to my new destination,
I'll let the wind carry me freely.

I will taste the salted air
of all the other seas, and
for the first time I will lose
myself to the unknown;
I'll become a drunken sailor.

A nomad at sea, that is what
I'll be. No permanents to tie
my being to anyone. The
address that represented
us is now a residence for one.

Those shores I used to call
home are a wreckage of your
abandonment, your silence
drowned us both. So farewell
my love, I've sealed you away.


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  • 9 years ago

    by Naughtymouse



    "I will taste the salted air
    of all the other seas, and
    for the first time I will lose
    myself to the unknown;
    I'll become a drunken sailor"

    AmAzInGlY gOoD!!!

    • 9 years ago

      by Meme

      Oh Benny Ben. Thaaaaank you :)))))