Up Above The Sea:

by Scott Cole   Jun 3, 2015

I'm a little Angelfish
I live beneath the sea,
I see you from the water
Standing close to that tree.

What's it like up there
Up Above The Sea,
The Life that you live
Is it anything like me.

Do you always have to look
And keep check on your back,
Because of my small size
I'll make for a tasty snack.

What's it like up there
Up Above The Sea,
The Life that you live
Is it anything like me.

Do you have to go school
Like we do under the sea,
For the waters are choppy
And it's very hard to see.

Have you got many friends
Or do you keep to yourself,
Is your house just a rock
Or is it a coral reef hotel.

What's it like up there
Up Above The Sea,
The Life that you live
Is it anything like me.

Do you eat from a hook
Or off the dirty sea floor,
Is there a swimming pool
Right outside your door.

There is no light to see
It's a overcast each day,
But we've never seen it rain
Or any snow down these ways.

What's it like up there
Up Above The Sea,
The Life that you live
Is it anything like me.

I still can see you there
And I think I see a stick,
Or is it a worm on a hook
I hope this is not a trick.

Should I trust my own eyes
And believe whatever I see,
Or proceed with caution
Underneath this shade tree.

That worm should looks good
I think I''ll have me a bite,
It's so hard to really see you
Your blocking all my my light.

I feel you set your hook in me
I guess it's finally time to see,
The kind of Life you live
Up Above The Sea.


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  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Excellent read!