Comments : Lioness.

  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Love the last couple of lines. Great read.

  • 9 years ago

    by Larry Chamberlin

    I feel that you should let the readers know the back story. This poem is a magnificent tribute to a caring and strong advocate. You were fortunate to have been brought into her aura.

  • 9 years ago

    by -Choke-On-MY-Halo-

    This is truly beautiful and when Monday comes I'm nominating this because it shows the feelings someone feels when someone helps anyone up from where they were and it took my heart away just reading this Linda, I am so proud someone is there for you honey! (If I got it wrong lemme get my shoe out of my mouth).

    I wanted to weep at how sweet this poem was in general, there were no errors you're just perfect in that love, and the story in the poem was to the point where you were part of it. Great job love! 5/5

    - Moria Bella Knight -

  • 9 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Grateful you shard the back story, thank you. May I say you're strong? And this poem attests to that, and the reality you are a survivor. And even more than that. You have purpose beyond belief. It is truly wonderful you had this woman in your life, present, hurting with you, willing to be there. I truly believe there are still and will always be compassionate people out there. I'm sure she means more to you than words can say but you sure shared your heart here and it's a beautiful dedication to her.

    • 9 years ago

      by Linda

      I'm teary-eyed now, MaryAnne! Thank you for your precious soul. I appreciate how kind you are. You continually make my days. :)

      She's been my mom in every sense of the word.

      The title is her in a nutshell.
      Thank you for reading. <3

  • 9 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Argh! Stop it!

    I can't nominate this because I used up my 3 already... but I have saved it to my favourites and REALLY HOPE SOMEONE NOMINATES THIS!

    I totally feel this relationship here, and I think not many people will understand this poem in the true sense of how it should be understood. For many people, these workers are the only ones there fully on our side no matter what, and are truly there for only us and our best interests.

    You opened this poem with such detail in that tiny little moment of her lifting your chin up so she could look you in the eyes, it is such a touching scene, especially when you mention the shame, and the anger, and I can feel the emotion from each of you, but you manage to hold it together.

    This poem really is so touching, and I hope others can red this who need a help in hand, because it will restore their faith in organisations like this who really are there to help, and can help you more than you maybe think they can.

    I am ranting, I know, but your poetry just does that to me. Thank you so much for writing this, and thank you for sharing it too, I know it is not always easy.

    Perhaps you could get this posted on their websites, anonymously if you want, so that others can read it and know it might be worth their while to seek help? Just a thought.

    Amazing write!!!

  • 9 years ago

    by Reddragonfly

    Oh my! Linda, this is just so sad and heartbreaking. It sure did pull at my heartstrings. And if this is indeed your story, what a brave heart you have then!

    I love the powerful message, style and flow.
    The pain and heartfelt emotion throughout this piece is almost magical, a truly wonderful write!

  • 9 years ago

    by -Choke-On-MY-Halo-

    My darling friend congratulations you won! :)

  • 9 years ago

    by -Choke-On-MY-Halo-

    Judging Comment

    Oh dear, how I start to describe this poem? It shows so much strength from the writer to have written such a moving piece, telling it from a first person perspective and pulling your heat right out of your chest. This particular piece is just inspirational since it shows that not everyone in this world is alone, that not everyone that has been kicked down to the point they have no self-esteem has no help because there is. There's so much strength in this poem I bow down and admire whoever has gone through themselves and survived! Beautiful poem!

  • 9 years ago

    by GB

    Weekly contest June 14th
    Judging comment:

    Very striking piece, I have been reading this and trying to figure out the relation between the writer and the main character, the poet penned her descriptive details very well and created an atmosphere that really drew the attention of the reader. Short elegant lines and words chosen carefully to emphasize every feeling. Successful lines by the end of the poem, making it memorable read.Well done indeed.

  • 9 years ago

    by Rusheena

    Oh wow, Linda... This was hard to read, but I'm glad that you chose to turn something horrible into something beautiful. It's so easy to want to keep quiet about things like this, but I'm glad that you're turning it into inspiration for yourself and others. Great write!

  • 9 years ago

    by Katie Butterfly

    Thank you for this wonderful poem. I am a survivor myself and just finally starting to find my voice.

    You are a very brave person!

  • 2 years ago

    by Guilty By Design

    Oh man, this is deep. What a hard read. I hope you see brighter days.