Comments : Hangnails. (Lioness Too)

  • 9 years ago

    by -Choke-On-MY-Halo-

    Made me wanna cry honey boo, and once I'm out of trade I will give you the comment you so deserve! :) Nothing less than a poet who knows how to show stop a person even while you claim you can't write poetic anymore.

    P.s. it's a lie it's called "free verse" as in it doesn't have to be poetic but what you feel :3

    - Moria Bella Knight -

  • 9 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Another fantastic piece Linda!

    I adore this one so much, not only because of the content, but you always make your poems so creative, and you lay them out so unique and eye catching too!

    I love the twist in the poem, and how you start it off as a seemingly sad write, in a bad situation, but you are only doing so in order to show us what you came form, and how far you have come.

    Again you go into so much detail, really showing us your nerves and anxiety and how it portrays on the outside, by your nail biting, which many will know this!!

    I love the ending, so hopeful, inspiring, motivating for readers. I think you done well to introduce such a small object, the necklace, but show how big it really was and how much it means in value to you. Something to be treasured forever, and remind you of what you can achieve, and why you are still fighting!

    I also just want to point out that you are one of the best writer's this site has!

    Talented fingers, is what you have!!

    • 9 years ago

      by Linda

      GOOD GOD SAFFIE, YOU HAVE SUCCEEDED IN SWELLING MY HEAD TO FULL CAPACITY. Thank you SO much. For all the love and all the words! You are a QUEEN!

  • 9 years ago

    by Unknown


    Nominated, all I can say.