Comments : Just Love Me Instead:

  • 9 years ago

    by Darren

    I like the emotion in this, but I would restructure if this was mine.

    all those 'don'ts' get a bit much after a while,

    I would drop all apart from the first one
    like this

    Don't say I talk funny
    call me a name,
    keep no secrets
    play your lil game.
    break me in half
    ever lead me on,
    ever yell at me
    tell me so long.
    mind my business
    obsess about me,
    tell me a single lie
    wish for me to die.
    get on my nerves
    step on my toes,
    give me the finger
    stick up your nose.
    you pull my leg
    stomp on my feet,
    run your big mouth
    let me take the heat.
    misplace your ring
    get inside my head,
    Do none of these things
    Just Love Me Instead.


    Don't say I talk funny
    call me a name,
    keep no secrets
    play your lil game.

    Don't break me in half
    ever lead me on,
    ever yell at me
    tell me so long.

    Dont mind my business
    obsess about me,
    tell me a single lie
    wish for me to die.

    Don't get on my nerves
    step on my toes,
    give me the finger
    stick up your nose.

    Don't you pull my leg
    stomp on my feet,
    run your big mouth
    let me take the heat.

    Don't misplace your ring
    get inside my head,

    Do none of these things
    Just Love Me Instead.

    Just my opinion, let me know what you think.

    • 9 years ago

      by Scott Cole

      I agree it's alot of donts but I kinda went with that because I wanted all the negatives to blend together because I wanted the reader to know that those things are not love. I used don't so much because i wanted it to register in the brain as not love . I have alot more poems if you have time to read em I'm sure you'll like them better. If your from Va read my Va is for lovers poem I really like that one. Thanks for your opinion....

    • 9 years ago

      by Scott Cole

      That second way is nice.....