There fading away
Everyone tells me it's a good thing
Hell at first I thought it was good
But is it truly
I'm forgetting things I used to cherish
The memories don't feel like mine
I'm forgetting the thing that crushed my heart
The memories no longer play inside my mind
I'm losing a part of me
I know I need to get over it
I know it's over
I know life continues
There fading away
The final chapter is over
The arc is done
The new chronicle starts
I truly loved
I tried my best
I did what I could
I was courageous for once in my life
But now I don't know how to be
I don't know if I can take the first step
I'm forgetting the memories, and feelings I had
I'm losing myself
But I don't think it's a bad thing
The memories I will remember I will cherish them
I will look back and smile
I may not remember all of them like I want
But I guess... I will take the step and walk the road
The road you don't walk
The road I was forced on
I will walk with a pep in my step
Walking forward with a smile on my face
I won't forget you
I won't forget the important things between us
But because of you... because of what we had...
I will be able to walk forward smiling because of you