Sleepless in Summer

by cassie hughes   Jul 6, 2015

Consumed by breathless heat
which clings and cloys
as tangled cotton twines
around my leaden limbs
I rest uneasy whilst the
summers night stretches
into heated infinity,
longing for winters
cool embrace.

Written for club challenge - Use 32 words to give us a poem about summer using a sense (sight, smell, touch, ect.)


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  • 9 years ago

    by Beautiful Soul

    I love this as well cassie, you have been improving so much in your writing. You did an excellent job with the club prompt. This poem seems to be about a person who is struggling in the summer time to catch their breath because the heat seems to be constricting them. and as many people do they are wishing for winters embrace because they cannot stand being in heat. I agree with Ben, lines 3 and 4 do well to describe the feeling you have with the reading about how you feel about summer. 5/5

  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Excellent - lovely use of alliteration in this. I love lines 3 and 4.