
by Giegielove Goddess Poet   Jul 10, 2015

The time reveals its changing ability
That the past can be archived,
but can never be retrieve anymore
Only the history flashing back in humans memory.

Time is made for a life tour
To go from Earth to heavens door.

The time flies too fast
That yesterday was the day
that is already a past
And today the present time
for tomorrow is still an unknown
time anyway

Let the day come
and time will tell
how it runs
It can be tough
It can be fine
It can be a time full of fun.

The time is Gold
Time is unpredictable
Like the weather, the feelings and the mood
Time is great , time is bold.

Use the time
Keep smiling, go working,
play, run, jump, swim, ride, shout, dance,
sing,draw, make photos,
do everything what you feel to do
and what makes you happy
do everything what makes you satisfy
Feel the precious time
And what is meant to be!


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Latest Comments

  • 8 years ago

    by Giegielove Goddess Poet

    Thanks for the inspirational words!

  • 8 years ago

    by Kurt Lee

    Enjoy life's days before old and gray.

  • 9 years ago

    by Dancing Rivers

    This is lovely, an enjoyable read, might i suggest putting it under miscellanious rather than slang, as there was no slang to be seen, also it would recieve more views and therefore more deserved votes :)