Our Cilla R.I.P (1943- 2015)

by Mr. Darcy   Aug 2, 2015

A British Icon who died today, aged 72.

Our Cilla

Surprise, Surprise!
Cilla has waved
her last Goodbye.

Her song,
Her laughter
Will echo through
The ever after...

*Gentle Harp strokes*

...the pearly screen
Wobbles back, revealing


He glimpses
Our Cilla -
His cheek

Holding out his arms
To greet his angel,
He says -
'Step Inside Love'

M. Moran


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  • 8 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    As requested: http://www.poems-and-quotes.com/nature/poems.php?id=1250012

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Michael it was a pleasure to read. Thanks for clarifying those for me, I saw your David Bowie tribute which was fab but missed your prince one, please message me the title as I would like to take a look :)

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Michael, I was looking back at your old works and usually I choose two numbers one for page and the second for the poem lol anyway I got to the page first and was counting for the poem to comment on and saw this so thought I would comment especially as it's about another legend taking and think it's fitting especially after the terrible, terrible year with some great legends leaving us.

    1/ Most definitely a legend and thinking about it 72 was no age at all really is it? Especially with times changing.

    2/ Loved this part as is uses surprise, surprise one of the things she was most famous for doing or at least I remember her doing anyway and yes, It's sad that she had to wave her goodbyes and I could imagine her doing so too with that massive smile of hers.

    3/ They will be missed. That laugh could brighten any room and her smile well, it was one of the most contagious ones right?

    4/ I could imagine the harps playing as her fans mourn this legend.

    5/ I liked this part abit acrostic with GOD though I don't know the:
    Deity" though I reckon it is significant and I think this is rather clever Mr D.

    6/ Another great part because it signifies the tears rolling down because he has met a true legend.. Though I don't think these are sad tears but happy ones because earth has lost a star but he has gained an angel.

    7/ Just a beautiful image to be left with and I can imagine her saying this in her Scouse accent and it did make me smile even though I know God was technically saying it.

    Mr D as you set me some homework I reckon I should set you some and my homework is to write a piece about the legends we have so sadly lost this year. I'd you accept of course.

    Take care and all the best. Oh and call this an early possibly late Christmas present lol.

    • 8 years ago

      by Mr. Darcy

      Thank you, Em. This comment is lovely to receive. You are right, we have lost many greats this year. I have been thinking of a George Michael poem, not sure how this would pan out yet. I have written a David Bowie one and a Prince one, but maybe a poem as a nod to them all would be cool, or as my son says, 'lit'

      our, Graham was the narrator on 'surprise surprise' The 'wobbly screen, was a reference to the cheap TV show set. And finally, the 'step inside love' a famous song of Cilla's!

      Em, thanks again, a lovely comment, well received!

  • 9 years ago

    by Ingrid

    This poem made me smile, Michael:)

    I am sure God welcomed her in, without any cleansing ritual, as she was such a darling.
    The poem was also funny and creative in how you mentioned the curtain and "our Graham". Nice to have a poem about death, placed in the "life "section, as indeed death is just a part of life and should not be greeted with so much despair.

    I am sure she would have loved this tribute.

    Lovely lady, lovely voice.

    Well done!

    Ingrid x

  • 9 years ago

    by Hellon

    A very fitting tribute to a wonderful entertainer...I was deeply saddened to hear of her passing this morning.