Comments : Last Day.

  • 9 years ago

    by Athanael

    This was incredible, as I read it I was thinking "wow, this is what I wanted to put into words". Thank you.

  • 9 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    Oddly, you're
    calming to me.

    ^^These opening lines is what made me want to read
    more. There is mystery and at the same time there is a sense of surrender.

    You are what humanity
    fears the most yet
    I pray that you hold
    me close, silent and
    warm, so that I may
    leave reality and enter
    your collage of dreams.

    ^^This part talks from the view point of a soul that is
    about to depart yet there is no fear, rather its acceptance. I've not been able to view death as a"hero" or the person you want to blend in and surrender yourself to. Its a new perspective here!

    I have decided.
    I am chillingly

    ^^I like the breakdown of the last moments as well as the atmosphere which you pull the reader into. For once, the cold is a comfort.

    I'll be gone.
    I'll be flying.
    I'll be in another world.
    I'll no longer be
    everyone's burden.

    ^^For some reason this painted a picture of an angel going away/flying away. This is the very thought every dying person may it be sickness or what wish for-not to be a burden and at the same time leave that very body to free oneself.

    My last supper.
    My last smile.

    My last "I love you"...

    ^^For some reason this end part makes it sound like a suicide note..maybe not. But it brings back memory for me...the last goodbye said, the last meal and smile shared before someone departs. You know its going to happen and that's what makes it even more painful.

    Touching write.

  • 9 years ago

    by Sunshine

    Am out of votes..this is incredible!

  • 9 years ago

    by Darren

    I agree with Rannia,

    I am not out of votes

    so voted.

    Love this;

    I have decided.
    I am chillingly

    Great write

  • 9 years ago

    by Athanael

    How do you nominate poems?