Comments : Newborn

  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    "Holding my heart a willing captive from inception" What a lovely piece, Cassie - your way with words never ceases to amaze me; a truly natural poet.

  • 9 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Hello Cassie,

    During my first read of this poem the true love from mother to baby was clear. The title made me initially think it may have been a metaphor for a different subject, but actually I found the obvious nature and honest feelings perfect. No need to hide love in a mask.

    The moment illustrated is one that any parent can identify with. A precious moment that is to be treasured and marked. If time could be slowed it would be during these moments. You have accomplished this in my mind by describing a mother's feelings.

    There you lay,
    peaceful and quiet for now,
    The image here is special. It is almost as if you are whispering for fear of awakening 'the storm'

    the storm of your hunger
    having passed.
    Being a parent the 'storm' is all too etched on my memory. A baby crying for food and love pulls hard on a mother. This moment is emotionally charged and as we know designed my mother nature to bond and keep baby healthy.

    I like how you dedicate a line for each of these words. It helps this reader appreciate the effort taken to achieve this and bring the baby to 'sated contentment'

    Tiny dreams wrapped
    in pure white cotton.
    Oh wow! A beautiful image of peaceful baby wrapped in a cotton sheet. I like the inclusion of the word pure. This word translates to a baby's pureness too.

    The miracle of life
    Vivid in your existence.
    Great description and appreciation for life. It is amazing how life exists on this planet. We are perhaps the only place within our solar system where life is occurring. So how vivid indeed the miracle of life within one tiny baby.

    Again, two words. The repeat of the word 'pure' against the word 'innocent' is all too precious. These two words sadly fade with age. As parents we desperately try to keep our precious bundles safe from what is sometimes a cruel world. This perhaps, makes the moment described all the more special, like capturing moonbeams in a jar.

    Love incarnate.
    Holding my heart
    a willing captive
    from inception.
    The mighty love of a mother is given freely and is without question the biggest love of humanity. It is does not need to be earned, asked for and requires no good will to maintain it.

    Cassie, this is a wonderful poem and I thank you for sharing these feelings, this precious moment.

    Take care,


  • 9 years ago

    by Sunshine

    Hat an amazing tribute. A very heart touching and overwhelming poem.
    The word choice is so delicate and perfectly chosen.

    For instance;

    Tiny dreams wrapped
    in pure white cotton.
    This in particular holds an impact and leaves one on the reader. The image and its reflection is pitch-perfect.

    Well done, praise-worthy.

  • 8 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    Judging comment:

    I really adore this little poem, I find it beautifully moving and heart warming. I had to smile at the storm of hunger, it certainly made me remember the days of screaming for food.

    "Tiny dreams wrapped in pure white cotton." This is easily my favourite line. It sets such a calming tone and beautiful visual and I can just imagine a baby all wrapped up in blankets now sleeping peacefully.

    I thought the last few lines were filled with emotion and the entire poem left me feeling so very serene and with a smile.

    Truly a wonderful little poem that really captures the overwhelming love of your newborn.