Not to Wake

by Jonathan Jewell   Aug 24, 2015

Last night I dreamed a dream of you,
And in that dream I dreamt -
I dreamt thereof of many things,
Before our separate paths we went.

I dreamed a dream of friendship.
I dreamed that dream of love.
I dreamed the dream that you and I'd be there,
When we were up above.

I dreamt a dream we'd never end,
My unceasing and unending hope.
I dreamed a dream that things could be,
As on the first day we spoke.

But dreams do end,
And as dawn came,
That dream I dreamt,
Did too.
I wish that I could have it back,
So I could be with you.

I cannot choose,
What dream I'll dream,
When I do dream tonight.
But if that dream's
A dream of you
I pray, don't end the night.


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  • 4 years ago

    by Everlasting

    Nice. Love this. Love the repetition.

  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Another excellent poem. sad, but well penned.