Comments : Quenching

  • 9 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy


    Just a quick look at this poem and I can see it has class...

    Go forth alone, as a beast,
    as a bird, as a fish.
    An image here of a lone figure, a beast (man)

    There were knots in the breast
    to be dissolved.
    Knots in breast - like worry, fear, jealousy even. These emotions can consume, causing knots.

    Unfrequented, lust brings
    a folded rose.
    Occasional, or rare lust. A folded rose,like a closed door - could be unwanted lust?
    A foeless
    territory to explore the -
    heaven of fingers.
    Foeless - no enemy has visited this place. Untainted by evil. Heaven of fingers brings to my mind at least praying hands, maybe?

    Beautiful. I like you
    Your smile enters the knife.
    The knife goes into the heart.
    The heart finds an angel.
    This could mean a dark force masquerading as goodness. The mask pulled over the head of evil. Evil then finds the true angel.

    Pomegranates. Dark red.
    Oozing on the edges for
    accepting the brunt of
    a corrosive reversal.
    Pomegranate flesh is red and runs thick like congealing blood. The body allowing the evil to enter.

    A most intriguing write and I am unsure if I am on the right track, but nevertheless the poem is rich and deep and sumptuous to see on the page and hear out loud. Yes, I read this to my dog - he wags his tail whenever I do this.

    Take Care,
