Sorely Eyes:

by Scott Cole   Aug 30, 2015

They're her windows to her soul
The prettiest I've ever seen,
So honest and so real
With a reflection that is green.

They've weathered many storms
Seen alot of hurt and pain,
Lived with disgrace and misery
But never once complained.

They're so timid and so frail
From many years of abuse,
Making them that much easier
To be lied to and seduced.

Their full of broken promises
With just a touch of grief,
Been tricked been deceived
And overwhelmed with disbelief.

They've fought for their dignity
Their respect and self esteem,
But even in the darkest times
They've always kept their gleam.

It's the saddest thing I've seen
Those green eyes full of tears,
From insult and mistreatment
They've suffered over the years.

Through all the shame and sorrow
That the two of them have occurred,
They're still the most beautiful
And amazing I've ever observed.


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  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Great imagery and rhythm throughout this piece again, Scott. well done.