Comments : Crash

  • 9 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    I love your style of writing. It reminds me of an author in a book I once read but I can't remember now. The brevity works and almost the staccato way it reads.

    The verbs in the begin, the chaos, confusion. This line is so unique: "I screamed away my mortality", that wording gets me. I've never heard anything quite worded like that and it's eloquent.

    The last line speaks volumes. I've read other works where people say life is the thing to fear, not death. How we all see the doom and gloom of death, fear it and fear not knowing when it will come. Yet you come to this realization in the end.

    The scene definitely read like a car crash without describing the scene, you showed and shared your voice.

  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Excellent - the short lines really add to the punchy affect of the piece. "Death is not so very terrifying in the end" Excellent. Great write. nominated

  • 7 years ago

    by Wanderer

    Oh Skyfire, why did you ever stop writing?

    I came across your collection and devoured its entirety in a single evening. For a few short hours, I looked through your eyes, my heart synchronized to yours, aching and rejoicing in turn through the pains and joys you have poured so beautifully into verse.

    What I wouldn't give to read your life story. But then again, perhaps I already have...

    • 5 years ago

      by Skyfire

      This is the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to me. Thank you for your kindness.