Dying Inside

by Elorak Tenneb   Sep 20, 2015

When the walls break
And the barriers crumble,
And the hearts at stake, unsafe, vulnerable.

The enemy strikes and reopens a gash,
Causing the heart to fester.

Old wounds and scars all have meaning.
And when targeted, The pain comes back tenfold.
It's hard to forget past pain...

When present forces you to remember.

And while the heart is slowly dying,
We continue to clothe our battle wounds.
We push those haunting memories aside,

And focus on the ones we treasure.

But how can one simply ignore the pain
While evil laughs with pleasure?


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  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Welcome to pnq, Elorak.
    A great piece to begin with a message I have certainly often pondered. The more pain we accumulate, the harder it is to forget and the harder any future happiness is to enjoy!
    Funny old life, isn't it?
    All the best and keep writing,