A Dream Denied

by cassie hughes   Sep 20, 2015

I dreamed last night.
A noose about my neck was laid
by my own hand, but did not do the deed.
Then others came,
And swiftly turned the single rope to many more.
Yet still I did not die.
I cried,
frustrated by the lack of end and called
upon the gods to put this right and send me home.
They bid me stay.
And still I begged to be released from toil and life
but though I pulled and tugged and sought to
stretch my neck within the coil of rope I was denied.
Awake I screamed.
Myself lay bared and wounded in the light of morn
instead of hidden carefully 'neath reams of guilt
and insecurity,a failure even now.
Last night I dreamed, and wished that I could find my end,
But was denied.


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  • 9 years ago

    by Naughtymouse

    I came back for another read.....this write is so damn good!

  • 9 years ago

    by Naughtymouse

    Cassie, this is such a powerful write, I always love how descriptive your writing is and how the imagery just leaps off the screen, it's funny I'm such a book geek I looooove how books feel and smell etc and sometimes when I read poems on here I always find certain poems I would just love to read off a page, this is one of those poems, a sad write but it is wonderfully written you really control the reader when you write, not just in this piece but in ALL your writing, I have been a bit lacking in comments recently which I will remedy shortly.

    Take care Nursy.

  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Well done, Cassie. I very much like the layout of this sad piece. Well written.
    All the best