I'm not even asleep

by Bob Shank   Oct 19, 2015

I'm not even asleep

the world is a battleground
lifeless bodies lying around
thousands killed by horrific events
religious sects say it's heaven sent

the children have lost all respect
years of therapy from parental neglect
kidnapped, molested and left to die
we sit back and wonder why

the elderly worked hard, paid their dues
their minds no longer theirs to lose
all the life savings for retirement
high priced medicine is where it went

the air and the food chemically tainted
once blue skies are now smog painted
mother nature has failed inspection
polluted from cars with fuel injection

does recession mean the worlds decline
questions, no answers flood my mind
I'm not even asleep, just lying there
wondering if life is just one big nightmare...

Copyright © Bob C Shank

Many times when I go to bed
I just lay there and think, it's
at this time I realize that we as
a society are creating our own
nightmares, by neglecting the
important things in life....peace


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  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Bob, I have just re- read this and I would like to comment further than good job blah blah. This is an inspiring piece and as a mother I truly fear for the world I am bringing my children up in because of how things are turning out as you rightly said in this piece.


  • 9 years ago

    by Em

    Another powerful piece well done

  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    A great piece Bob and important too. If only more people would read poetry/messages like this and actually take heed. Written well with lovely flow.
    All the very best,

  • 9 years ago

    by Cindy

    This piece rings with nothing but truth. Our world has turned into a sad place to live. A sad placed to raise our most precious commodities...our children.

    the children have lost all respect years of therapy from parental negleckidnapped, molested and left to die
    we sit back and wonder why

    How sad we even have to wonder why. When we should be celebrating our children.

    the elderly worked hard, paid their dues
    their minds no longer theirs to lose
    all the life savings for retirement
    high priced medicine is where it went

    What a shame that the cost of everything has gone so high...that the elderly have to choose between taking their medicine or eating.

    Take care Cindy