Who wants to take a guilt trip?

by CRAFTY KEN   Oct 22, 2015

Who wants to take a guilt trip?

It's a short ride, don't bring a lunch, there will
lots of forbidden fruit to help you

What causes this guilt to abide, does one fling
make you a ding-a-ling?
As written, there is pleasure in sin for a season
but the Creator gave us a conscience
for a reason.

The results of sin one may be able to hide,
but the guilt like leprosy will abide.
True love is more than something between
the knees, lust can be a disease.
I know how my flesh always raises it's evil desires, Lord please put out those fires.

The self-righteous use Religion and Moral
Codes to keep their subjects in line
but God looks at the heart,
his image to find.

Many years ago I left the Church of the
Commandments of men and not God,
who is called Love and Light,
my walk with him is my delight!

True love gives and does not take,
in the morning with your God given
Love, guilt will not be found or make
You shake.

Author Ken
October 22, 2015


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Latest Comments

  • 9 years ago


    Thanks Meena, well said!

  • 9 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    Well said, love is not something between the knees and lust is not only dangerous but a poison too that will turn people to the wrong direction.

    With God's grace and faith I think life will teach us many a lesson and to make a right choice..another insightful read!

  • 9 years ago


    Thank you all.

  • 9 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    We often look for love in all the wrong places and it's mistaken with lust. Lust indeed can be a disease and love rather gives then take. Great write Ken

  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    So true Ken - love is so much more than "something between the knees" and lust really can be a disease.
    Another poem full of your usual wit and thoughtfulness. Well done indeed and all the best. Keep well,

    • 9 years ago

      by CRAFTY KEN

      Thanks Ben, knew you would like the wit!

      Will check out you new one.
