Won't be long

by Chelsey   Oct 29, 2015

One thing I never understood is "time."
Why we can't turn it back, why we can't slow it down,
why we can't dismantle it all together and pay no attention
to how quickly our life is perishing.

But one thing I don't question, one thing I trust about
the hours and minutes that number my days,
is that time is what it takes-
for you to be with me.

I am no ordinary poetess, writing with her beloved in mind,
but you dear muse....
aren't even created yet. You are formed; you are a living,
breathing, (and if I had to guess, beautiful) human being,
but you're not created yet-
for me.

Though, it won't be long. It won't be long until heaven
can no longer wait for this divinity, this unity, this God
ordained spectacle of true love
to develop.

I hope you're as anxious as me

to meet.


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Latest Comments

  • 4 years ago

    by Anthony

    Sounds like a mother eagerly awaiting a child to be conceived then born

  • 7 years ago

    by Lucifer

    This thought remains in our heart until the one whom God has chosen for us doesn't come in out life.

    Loved it!

  • 8 years ago

    by Abstract Poet

    I like this pome it was beautiful. :)

  • 8 years ago

    by Phil

    Bravo on a grand write.

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Chelsey I really like this.

    Time stands still for no man and here you are pondering time because you want to see this beautiful human that you have created in your mind. It's truly beautiful how you wrote this and the ending is penned wonderfully.


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