Alphabet Acrostic

by Bob Shank   Nov 7, 2015

A lifelong journey
Beaten paths I've worn
Couldn't reach my destiny
Divisions of roads torn
Everyone has a story
From pain to happiness
Going around in circles
Hath been their quest
I could never understand
Justifying where I've been
Kinfolk constantly remind me
Lessons of life are filled with sin
May we question such logic
Never to know the truth
Oppressing youthful minds
Provided the best proof
Question marks ended our speech
Replies remained hidden
So many Edens ago
True knowledge was forbidden
Under the guise of evil intent
Virgin minds continued to seek
Wisdom from lives spent
X-rayed souls that seem opaque
Yearned for years to be free
Zealous is my journey for thee.....

Bob Shank
this is an alphabet poem, where each line
represents the letters of the alphabet in consecutive order....the poems message is
about life's journeys, you will travel many
paths and yet along the way, always seek
the truth, and may your walk be filled with
an abundance of sunshine.....Peace


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Latest Comments

  • 7 years ago

    by Abstract Poet

    This was outstanding poem I love
    every part of it, it was absolutely
    Beautiful poem.

  • 8 years ago

    by Em


    Good job as always. Some wise words in there.


  • 8 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Judging comment

    Powerful write by Bob this week!

    Alphabet acrostics are difficult to write, he made this look very easy and he added a rhythmic flow to it - Amazing!

    I like how the first four lines rhyme and then as it continues on, its not a set rhyme scheme, but the words are rhythmic and set in such a lovely way it almost makes you think it's a rhyme scheme pattern.

    He mixed powerful words with true heart and grit within the message. A top notch, inspirational Life poem.

  • 8 years ago

    by Daisy if you do

    Alphabet Acrostic (7pts.)
    Bob Shank

    Infinite wisdom unleashed in this cleverly written Acrostic. A poem with strength, lessons and trials that no matter the chosen life path there are reasons for it. Though we encounter negativity from others if you search the truth you can overcome any obstacle. Enjoyed this so much.

  • 9 years ago

    by DarkLight

    There is greatness in your words and that and more makes this poem uniquely spread and meaningful. Loving your work.

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