Dreaming disasters. Fallen Angel 16

by Darren   Nov 14, 2015

When he sleeps, he sleeps for decades
away from here physically
but spiritually?
Within spitting distance.

He dreamt about disease
a plague, a virus, starvation,
aids, hate, jealously and his own creation....

He loved to meddle
sticking a sticky finger into the 'grand scheme'
causing karmas wheel to bite man on the arse.

He was there in the beginning
he witnessed 'adam' and 'eve'
the snake was his pet
still proud it 'entered' eve first
.......still smiling
.......still dreaming

that was then
when sleep was plentiful

but now?

Madness was now his foe

he cannot sleep when his name is uttered
he cannot sleep when his being is worshipped
he cannot sleep when disaster is near
because he loves to watch
then gloat and applaud.

without real thought
he had given himself a job
he had discovered work ethic
he was a 'god'
but only in the eyes of those that spewed hate.

So he sat crossed legged
and watched
as another 'despot' offered a 'grand finale'
in his name.


I have decided to repost these as individual poems, they are taken from my poetry book I published on Amazon.

Some of the older members have already read these and I thank them
Just a quick fix to get my number of poems up. I was probably a bit quick publishing, some of these need more work.


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  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    If there were a hundred of these, I would read them, Darren!

  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    A great idea here: To think of him finding sleep less and less easy to come by as the years have gone on, simply because his evil creations have got that much more.....and he can't help but watch, hence the lack of sleep! Funny, to think of him suffering for sleep. Sad to think how true the meaning behind your words is...
    All the best, Darren - and well done again.

    • 9 years ago

      by Darren

      You are almost at the end of this saga mate

      well done

      initially this was going to be 100 poems

      imagine that