He hated love. Fallen Angel 12

by Darren   Nov 14, 2015

Hiding in a wall in somebody else's mind
he observed the emotion that they called 'love'

he hated it

no matter what carnage
what anger
or destitution was poured upon tiny minds

love found a way through
like a weed through a crack in concrete
seeking the sun
and life
blooming like a pregnant creature
holding out its forgiveness with one hand
and hope in the other.

Love made him spew
it made him want to take 'man'
and tear him a new idea
teach hate
teach despair
show him the path that leads him to greed
keep shooting
keep dismembering
publish hate filled bile
dressed up as religious practices

but never love
because it was the only thing in this world
since he fell from the other
that made him weak.


I have decided to repost these as individual poems, they are taken from my poetry book I published on Amazon.

Some of the older members have already read these and I thank them
Just a quick fix to get my number of poems up. I was probably a bit quick publishing, some of these need more work.


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  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    The power of love is truly wondrous. However, I couldn't help feeling that he was right in many respects. No matter the awful things that keep happening and the terrible things we do to each other, the fact that we still cling so hard to the idea of love is confusing, but if we didn't and love wasn't able to "find a way like a weed through a crack in concrete" we would all be very lost.

    I love the last few lines of this piece - after the poem is spent explaining his hate for love, an acknowledgement that it is the "only thing in the world since he fell from the other that (makes) him weak".

    Excellent, Darren,

    • 9 years ago

      by Darren

      Thanks again, Hope you had a good new years eve