He used his curse wisely. Fallen Angel 8

by Darren   Nov 14, 2015

He wasn't a man
of that he was glad
he had watched these pitiful creatures
and masturbate
but for what purpose?

Were they merely a plague?
Destroying like biblical locusts
the hard work from above.

He used his curse,
man was already cursed
with his stupid dangly bits
and a pair of kill switches within kicking distance.

she was the one that spat out more and more plague bearers,
she was the one that overpopulated his peacefulness
she was the one ripe for cursing

so it was decided on Gods day off,
Use your egg
or bleed and swell
suffer pain
crippling pain

for his enjoyment.


I have decided to repost these as individual poems, they are taken from my poetry book I published on Amazon.

Some of the older members have already read these and I thank them
Just a quick fix to get my number of poems up. I was probably a bit quick publishing, some of these need more work.


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  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Well, I shall be there to read them all anyway! Rise, or fall!

  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard


    I missed yesterday's session with these, but I am here now, lol.
    This is great. I love how he/you comically ridicules so many of man's ridiculous traits and leave the reader with a firm impression of what an absurd bunch of fools this being sees us as!

    "Woman - she was the one that spat out more and more plague bearers..." - brilliant!

    All the best Darren,

    • 9 years ago

      by Darren

      Thanks again Ben, you reading these has made me revisit them all.
      I think it peaks at number 10 then is downhill from there.