He watches the lung choke. Fallen Angel 3

by Darren   Nov 14, 2015

Just sat on a rock, moss covered
not moving, be it eyes or tongue
he sits and he waits expectantly .

He sits for five hundred years and waits
the moss now crawled and encroached every orifice
his eyes green and strangled
his mouth chocked full of wildlife
yet he watches still.

He has seen the death,
he watched as arrows flew
and tore through men like blades through silk
the blood and sinew just a trophy to be stomped upon
the arrows became bullets
that eject brain tissue through skulls
as many boots, shiny yet only reflecting oppression
trampled the meek, weak and indifferent underfoot.

Still he waited
just chuckling inside from time to time
a witness to bullets turning into bombs
falling gracefully from rickety birds
sending limbs flying great distances
the craters singing heat tasting death
licking wounds like a hearty meal.

Then silence
and smoke
and dirt
and death
then the worst of all creation
no bombs nor bullets nor arrows
just a virus
dreamt in Gods own image
crawling and expanding like a fog
many fingers tickling and tearing skin.

now he stopped the waiting and the watching,
he stood tall shattering his own bones
yet mustered energy to move on
but not until he pointed and cried
two fingers to a choking lung
he now knows that only death wins every game.


I have decided to repost these as individual poems, they are taken from my poetry book I published on Amazon.

Some of the older members have already read these and I thank them
Just a quick fix to get my number of poems up. I was probably a bit quick publishing, some of these need more work.


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  • 9 years ago

    by Em

    This is excellent.. Why can I give it just a 5? Lol

    Such captivating words and beauty in your writing

    • 9 years ago

      by Darren

      Thanks Em, appreciate your comment.

  • 9 years ago


    Wow! This is good stuff Darren!
    Have read it several times now. This is great work.
    And yes, Death is always the winner...
    When will man ever learn!

    • 9 years ago

      by Darren

      Thanks Gnome,

      impressed that you can read, when did you learn?

      thanks for reading Peter.
      always good to chat to you

  • 9 years ago

    by DarkLight

    Wow! am left without words to express my feelings or emotions towards this beautifully composed poem. Creating a virtual that lights up the imagination from within to capture the essence of the image portrayed in your poem. Least I can say is, well done.

    All the best
    Busy Poet.

    • 9 years ago

      by Darren

      Thanks BP, much appreciated.

  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Good God, man, these are wonderful! I know I said I would stop, but I am gripped, not least by your powerful, gripping and thoroughly detailed writing. Dare I suggest that these are getting better as I go? lol
    Truly, all jokes aside, this mammoth work is a real achievement from what I've read so far. How long did it take you?
    And now I really must go - my kids are crying in hunger! For myself, the "eject brain tissue" has just about ruined my once healthy appetite!
    All the best Darren - I will continue tomorrow.

    • 9 years ago

      by Darren

      Thanks Ben, better feed them kids. Thanks for your comments, really appreciated.

  • 9 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Oh I love your poems so much.... Really glad you reposted this pieces.... sighs... You know how to grab the reader with powerful and in your face wording... love this!!

    • 9 years ago

      by Darren

      Thanks maples.

      always appreciate you reading,