He then finds stony ground. Fallen Angel 2

by Darren   Nov 14, 2015

He knew,
he swallowed so much pride his intestine exploded,
yet he had others.

He slipped away as his mind's eye blinked furiously
climbing skywards through dirt and discarded gods
the summit in sight he paused.

Not ready to win he rammed his fingers into his throat
hoping to point to the place in his mind that caused indecision
yet all he achieved was sickness.

Slipping on stench filled bile he fell again
but this time only onto his haunches
crawling childlike he found stony ground.

It was here he discovered that by raising one finger
the world would choke on its own bitterness
but if he ever dared to raise two, the world he crafted would turn on him.


I have decided to repost these as individual poems, they are taken from my poetry book I published on Amazon.

Some of the older members have already read these and I thank them
Just a quick fix to get my number of poems up. I was probably a bit quick publishing, some of these need more work.


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  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Darren, what more cam I say other then you write beautifully. It's so smooth and as I said before makes it more enjoyable to read.

    Not ready to win he rammed his fingers into his throat
    hoping to point to the place in his mind that caused indecision
    yet all he achieved was sickness
    I love this stanza it's so sombre and dark but rings out in really vivid imagery.


    • 8 years ago

      by Darren

      Thanks Em

      appreciate your kind words

  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    I have now read this one too! And I must say, I really am impressed with these. They are really original pieces that are a great story (I am gripped) and I can see from your footnotes that they were published as one complete piece?
    I love the third stanza - its imagery is wonderful. You really have created some great visuals with these first two pieces I've read.
    The last stanza too is excellent - very clever.
    I look forward to reading part three soon and hope others read these as they are excellent.
    All the very best,

    • 9 years ago

      by Darren

      Thanks again Ben, I was a bit batty when I wrote them.