Lost Ghost

by Hidden1   Nov 24, 2015

I now know what a ghost feels like.
Empty, dead, and lost.
Eyes void of emotion, heart heavy like lead.
Mind full thoughts, all of you, creeping into my head.
I can't look your way, for my eyes well with tears
Hearing your voice makes my want to scream out and cover my ears.
How did I come to be like this?
Weak, vulnerable, head hung low.
Quick to show emotions, how awkward does my pain show.
Looking at my face there is an obvious lost.
I lost the first person I ever truly loved.
The one who will ever hold my heart.
Never did you know, that without your love, I will always and ever be lost.
I now know what a ghost feels like.
Hiding from others masking my lonely plight


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  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    I like the description used here of what a ghost might feel like - its a interesting comparison that many would be reading and nodding along to, I would imagine.
    Well done and all the best