Comments : I wish...

  • 9 years ago

    by zabetha

    Been there done that doing that wearing the t shirt... where's the pick me up??? nice job,.

  • 9 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Mmm, this poem struck me emotionally. My heart goes out to you in this piece. Though I don't know you or have walked in your shoes, I'm humbled that you shared a bit of your pain and voice in this.

    I wanted to comment that you are not alone and that I can say I've had many times where I battled with what I say are two versions of myself. The version that wants to get better and has all these awesome resources and support for family... or, the side that knows she needs help but doesn't know what to ask for. I feel your desperation here, for someone to give support and not just assume it's support by asking question after question or cliched lines, then leaving you. But staying.

    I too have struggled with accepting "happiness is a choice". I try to live by that and people definitely inspire me that they choose to have a good day, but there are sometimes where it seems more heavy than that. We need more shoulders to lean on and rely on at times.

    Hope you take care, thank you for sharing this.