I was young and I wasn't ready...
When you were kicking in my belly.
I was sure you were a boy...
But no, you were a strong bundle of girly joy.
I felt so much confusion...
But in time also a great anticipation.
One minute I wanted to execute you...
The next I just couldn't imagine life without you.
I was young and I wasn't ready...
But you were going to be my baby!
Your arrival brought about joy...
Even though you didn't turn out to be a boy.
But that joy was also overwhelmed with anxiety...
Being an 18 year old mom was now my reality!
I was just clueless...
And very much felt hopeless.
But you turned out to be a perfect princess...
And you filled me with so much fullness.
My strength; My she-warrior...
Who just suddenly made me feel like I'm mother superior.
Until I held you in my arms...
I actually realised;
That finding warmth in another's smile...
Was a joy I never knew existed all my life's while!
Dear Hope...
I Love You!