Comments : EVE ' The spirit of Life'

  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    What an important poem from you here. Many women from your country must feel like this - indeed, all over the world perhaps. Feminism has never been so important. Women are still mistreated and exploited all over the world (look at the average 'music' video) but I know it's a real issue there.
    Women, in my opinion, should not seek to be men's equal - quite the reverse: men should seek to be the average woman's equal.....the world would certainly be more peaceful!
    All the very best Jay and I hope you are well,

  • 9 years ago

    by J Nair

    Dear Ben,
    All's well at my end thank you so much.

    Life seems to go on smoothly and suddenly certain shocking incident happen in some part of the country and it shakes your belief. All the progress one had believed in the society was just vain. when you have few pockets of people {men /women) who still have their orthodox and narrow minded believes and actually hates the fact that society is changing as per the times. The venom is spewed out from unexpected quarters.
    I live in a city that is very safe- women are considered equal, they get their share of opportunity in all walks of life. Yet you do come across random cases where a Professor in college or a Boss in a corporate set up or a Bus conductor who would get suddenly cheesed off against women walking and competing besides men and you get to witness them passing remarks that would shock you.
    Some times its an educated parent of a friend who is making remarks like 'women needs to be more cautious and avoid late hours cause after all you are responsible for your own safety.'
    My country is usually a vey safe place for both men and women but crime happens. Some times strange incidents happen and you start wondering in which era are we living.

    A share of violence exist all over the world, I do have concerns about that, but what worries and scare me more is the mind set of people which comes forward when they give interviews in the media for e.g. about the opinions that float around in an incident like rape.

    I Pray that women all over the world is given as much respect as men.

    And I request each and every one to be fair when you judge the other individual cause the soul within each of us does not reflect the race or gender of the human form. So I believe we are all equals and deserve an equal opportunity irrespective of who we are or where we are from.


  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Jay - I couldn't agree more with your clear and precise sentiment.
    All the very best.

  • 9 years ago

    by Dancing Rivers

    What an incredibly powerful write J Naiyr! This is a piece that reads like an anthem, a piece that women worldwide can relate to in some way or another.

  • 9 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Hello Jay,

    we are all so hypocritical. As Christmas approaches we buy presents as a symbolism of gifts to Jesus. The bitter truth, like the one day to celebrate the beauty and brilliance of Indian Women is too little and it a mere token.

    A great piece of writing and I wish I could nominate, but I can't - again, too little too late!

    Well done and take care,


  • 9 years ago


    A deep soul searching sad poem where truth is shown. I would like to add my comments as a Christian. Women are mistreated or honored today based upon where they live. With the Fall in the Garden the Lord brought punishment upon both Adam and Eve. But with His Plan of Redemption he brought honor back to women through Mary, every man today was given his life through a woman and in Christ there is neither male nor female but are one, totally equal spiritually. This is the Christian Hope when he returns and we will be like him in a new world of Peace ruled by God himself and not by wicked men, a perfect Government! God bless, Ken

  • 9 years ago


    What a beautiful and heartfelt poem you have written here J Nair, with a powerful sentiment that should be shouted from the roof tops at the injustices perpetrated again women in your country.
    I applaud you.
    Your poem says it all in every descriptive word that you have written.
    A great write.