How did we get here?

by Cara   Dec 16, 2015

If you have not walked in my shoes,
Down the road that is dark and bleak.
You know the one I'm thinking of,
Domestic Violence Street.

Emotional abuse,
Physical abuse,
Mental abuse,
And sexual abuse.

Do not pretend to know my story,
Or assume that we are the same.
We asked for it or we should have kept our mouth shut,
Should never have let it get this bad,
I should have walked away.

The pain I feel gets lesser everyday,
Because I choose not to let the past get in my way.
I was silly to think that he loved me,
And that he really did care.
Because looking back on it I see,
Loves is not raising a knife and threaten to kill,
It isn't about hate or keeping family away.
It's about balancing your partner out,
Showing them everyday just how special they are.

Silly me I was confused,
I became unable to tell the difference,
And let him threaten my life,
My family,
My friends,
God, how stupid could I have been?

I was lucky though,
I came out on the other side of the street.
I have been able to see it all through my own eyes and now I see,
No one is the same,
No one deserves it either.
I have seen the hurt it causes to family and friends,
And I have felt the pain.
I remember never being happy,
And wanted to just go away.

Now I see,
My eyes are open.
If only I knew then what I know now,
Domestic violence is not about race,
Political views,
Or even money.

It is not just a single parent on welfare,
Or the supermarket cashier,
It's also millionaire's wife.
It can affect any one,

What I have learned,
Never be quick to judge,
You may think you know their story,
But really haven't got clue.
Don't think it can't happen to you.


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  • 9 years ago

    by J Nair

    Well written Cara,

    Admire the courage you showed - sharing this poem.

    Liked these lines-
    Do not pretend to know my story,
    Or assume that we are the same.

    All the very best and take care.


  • 9 years ago

    by Cara

    Thank you to all of you! I'm a survivor of domestic violence and I will continue to do my best to fight for what I believe in:) thanks again guys!!! Take care

  • 9 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    People are quick to judge but they really don't know the story behind it. Abuse does exist and the truth needs to be told. This write touched me and those voices must be heard. Abuse is awful and it has nothing to do with love. It's power and control. Be blessed and take care. Add to my favorite

  • 9 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy


    Firstly, well done for writing this. Secondly, posting it here for all to read the voice of experience.
    I will nominate this to support this cause.

    Well done,


  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    A good write here with a strong and powerful message that people should listen to. Domestic violence really is a terrible thing, not least because the cases we hear about are only the ones we HEAR about. Unfortunately, so many women (though it happens to men as well) are so scared and intimidated, their stories are never told - often, until it is too late.
    All the best and well done here,