Two Birds

by PETER EDWARDS   Dec 16, 2015

Two Birds

Two birds in flight
One you, one me
Escaping from this mad, mad world
For all eternity...


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  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    This is a very short yet,beautiful poem

  • 9 years ago

    by Ingrid

    Hi Peter,

    the lady you once wrote this for was thrilled to bits, no doubt, by such a romantic little gift.

    Well done x

    • 9 years ago


      I don't know. Never gave it to anyone.
      Just wrote it in a thoughtful moment. X

  • 9 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Hello Peter,

    I have always seen you as a feathered friend...

    an Emu! lol

    Seriously, a sweet write that makes one dream of flying off together, escaping this mad, mad world!

    Take care,


    • 9 years ago


      An EMU indeed! Lol!
      The world at the moment is too mad, moreso with you in it! Lol!
      Thanks for your comments, Appreciated as always.

  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Two at once - lovely to see. And this, a shorter piece than your usual fair but still with your flair for rhyme.
    A lovely image here of two happy (metaphorical) birds escaping this 'mad' world we live in.
    All the best - this is excellent,

    • 9 years ago


      Thanks Ben for your kind comments. I wrote this short poem long time ago, just felt I should give it an airing!
      It's nothing special, probably the shortest one I ever wrote, but hey, it's a poem and out there now! Lol!